What radio station are you?

One of life’s biggest questions is what radio station your personality is truly aligned with. Do you feel like your choice of radio station has been dictated to you throughout your life, but deep down your radio spirit animal is alive and needs to be set free? At Radiocentre we believe it’s not just loved ones and pets that you have a deep and personal connection with, it’s also your friend radio. With some ground breaking science and a few festive themed questions, we can now help you out.
Our personality quiz can find your true inner radio station. In just a few simple questions about your favourite films, foods and bands it will search your soul and find the station that best fits. It’s basically like the dating app Tinder for radio.
With Christmas approaching so are the days of sitting by the fire relaxing with the radio, so make sure you’re joined by the sound of your true companion this festive period. Find out the station your personality craves in our sophisticated, fully tested and fool-proof quiz. Take the quiz here.