Radioplayer launches new “smart radio” feed for connected cars

Radioplayer is launching a new “smart radio” feed for connected cars and the Audi/VW group is the first manufacturer to sign up. This partnership will result in “hybrid” radios in new Audi models, using the Radioplayer technology to display station logos and switch automatically between DAB, FM and streaming.
The new Worldwide Radioplayer API (WRAPI) builds on the innovative Radioplayer Car project launched earlier this year. As well as enabling “hybrid” switching between broadcast and streaming as reception varies, the new data feed can power next generation features such as personalised radio recommendations, search results and catch-up content.
The WRAPI enables high-end radios to:
- Play streams at different bitrates
- Access the unique Radioplayer recommendation engine
- Play tens of thousands of catch-up radio items and podcasts
- Display information about what’s on
- Query search engines across all eight Radioplayer countries.
“We’ve talked to dozens of car companies over the past few years,” says Michael Hill, Radioplayer’s MD. “They’re all interested in improving their car radio interfaces, but the question they ask most often is: where can we get a reliable feed of the radio industry’s data? This project is starting to answer that question. It’s helping to keep radio simple, sexy and central to the dashboard.”
Radioplayer is now offering the WRAPI feed to other car companies that are interested in developing better “hybrid” radio interfaces. Firms are encouraged to get in touch using contact@radioplayerworldwide.org to discuss how they can also benefit from a collaborative approach to designing new dashboard radio experiences.