Industry News

Radio bite: A friendly companion

Radio is a powerful and often underutilised platform for advertisers. During these unprecedented times our Radio Bites series will give compelling reasons for brands to continue to be heard on the airwaves and why consumers will be listening.

During this crisis it is important that whilst we distance ourselves socially, we don’t alienate ourselves from society. In the current climate radio can provide an important platform to escape and lift the nation’s mood.

Our research study Audio Now explores how people use audio to help them cope. But radio doesn’t just fulfil one need: the research identifies six different need-states where audio plays a role.

Live radio is unique, especially in these challenging circumstances. It offers human voice and human choice and retains the ability to surprise while keeping you in touch with the outside world, something that is invaluable and important when leaving the house may not be an option.

During the current climate, radio will not only provide trusted information on the ever changing news but will be a voice for those who are isolated and without companionship, along with the people working remotely who just miss their early morning chats over a cup of coffee in the office kitchen.