Hear and Now: Heard our new ads?

Radiocentre has launched a new radio campaign to promote the findings of its latest research, Hear and Now.
The Industry Body’s research demonstrated that adverts targeted at audiences as they carry out relevant activities can significantly boost the impact of advertising effectiveness in engagement, memory encoding and recall. The campaign is running across radio, print and digital.
The three new humorous spots were created by Radioville, and aim to demonstrate that radio can be an effective medium for reaching people at opportune moments. The spots see the return of Oliver Maltman, the actor behind Radiocentre’s last radio campaign, who reprises his role as an enthusiastic, but misguided boss, guiding his team through various media channel decisions for product launches. For example, in one ad he asks his team where they should be advertising their new hybrid SUV. One of his colleagues Beth points out that perhaps radio would be a successful proposition as research proves that targeting people when they are doing relevant activites, such as driving, can really boost ad effectiveness. Hear the ads below.
The Radiocentre campaign also similarly focuses on a new chicken sauce and a bubble bath and point out that other media, like TV and print newspapers, aren’t being consumed during driving or cooking. The ads all finish with the sign off, Right People, Right Place, Right Time.
The Hear & Now research was carried out by Neuro-Insight across a range of sectors including motoring, FMCG and household goods – and consistently found increased performance when audiences heard ads that had been matched to relevant tasks such as exercise, cooking and driving. Watch the explainer video below.
Engagement with ads relevant to activities rose by 23%, while memory encoding – the process, crucial for advertising effectiveness, of turning an experience into a memory – increased by 22%.
Mark Barber, Radiocentre’s Planning Director, said: “The Hear and Now research was further evidence of the effectiveness of radio advertising, and really demonstrated the strength of its ability to speak to audiences at relevant times. So where better to show off our findings than on this platform?”
If you’re a Radiocentre member station who wants to run the campaign please get in touch with george.butler@radiocentre.org. Hear one of the new ads below.
Read more about our Hear and Now research.
Read more about our Hear and Now research.