Special Categories
Ads that fall into certain special categories must be centrally cleared by Radiocentre. This is a specific requirement of the BCAP Code and the ASA will uphold complaints if these categories of advertisement are not submitted for clearance.
The special categories are as follows:
- Consumer credit, investment and complex financial products and services
- Gambling products and services
- Alcohol products
- Medical and health and beauty products and treatments
- Food, nutrition and food supplements
- Slimming products, treatments and establishments
- Adult shops, stripograms, escort agencies and premium-rate sexual entertainment services
- Dating and introduction services
- Nicotine-containing e-cigs and e-liquids
- Commercial services offering individual personal and consumer advice
- Environmental claims
- Matters of public controversy including matters of a political or industrial nature
- Religious organisations
- Charitable causes
- Films, DVDs, video, computer and console games that have an 18+ certificate or rating.
Local clearances: Ads that don’t fall into the special category list and are broadcast only by one station, or in one locality, must be cleared for broadcast by relevant staff at the station concerned.
National clearances: To provide consistent standards for the benefit of consumers and the radio industry, national radio ads should be centrally cleared by Radiocentre. National radio advertisements are those sold and broadcast nationally across the network.