Requesting Fast Track


In most cases, we will get back to you within one working day with some form of feedback or clearance. However, we appreciate that sometimes clients will want their ad on air yesterday afternoon. With this in mind we offer a fast track service where we will start working on the script immediately, with a view to responding within two hours. Full details and current costs can be found here. The fast track service is priced so that a service can be provided for advertisers facing a genuine deadline, and so that the normal 24 hour turnaround service we offer isn’t affected.

Fast track can be requested once you have created your campaign. Select the campaign from your Active list, and click on the script or scripts you wish to fast track. You can select more than one script at a time by holding down the Ctrl key when clicking.

Once you have selected the scripts you wish to be fast tracked, click on “Fast Track Selected Scripts”.

If this is the first fast track you have selected, you will be faced with a blank payment form. Once you have typed in the requested information, click on the “Request Fast Track” button. On subsequent fast track requests this information will automatically be completed. The email address you give must be the address of the person or department who will pay our invoice. If you want the invoice sent to your accounts department, please ensure that you enter their email address. If your organisation requires the creation of a purchase order you must find this out and include the PO number in the field provided.

Please note that the invoicing system is powered by PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account in order to pay the invoice, but if a PayPal account exists for the given email address, then that is the account that will be invoiced.

The campaign will now be marked on your database campaign list with an amber lightning strike. When we accept the fast track request, this lightning strike will change to green. You will receive an invoice and a link to PayPal where you will be able to pay by credit card. Please pay on the same day by credit or promptly if paying by BACs and within 30 days.

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