1. Radio allows Charity campaigns to target people efficiently

    In Re-evaluating Media Ebiquity’s analysis of the targeting capabilities of different media placed radio top of the list as the most flexible medium as it can be used to target audiences in a variety of ways:

    – Geographically

    – Demographically

    – Time of day/day of week

    – Consumer context

    – Addressable

    These characteristics allow charities can target audiences in the most appropriate and efficient manner to meet their campaign objectives.

  2. Radio ROI for charity advertising is strong

    Lots of charities now encourage donation online.  Research highlights that people exposed to radio advertising are 52% more likely to interact with the advertised brands online.

    For the Charity sector, radio ROI averages at £16.70 for every advertising pound spent, which places it second behind Retail.

  3. Message cut-through

    Charities occasionally face a challenge with audiences choosing not to engage with messaging. This is particularly prevalent in on-demand media (including print) where people can just scroll past or turn the page if they choose. On radio they have to listen to the ad in full as it elapses in real time. Even if they are resistant to the messaging, something will stick in their subconscious. Historical research shows that radio has lowest levels of active ad avoidance of any media. A more recent analysis featured on WARC in the US suggests that ‘mechanical’ ad avoidance on radio may be as little as 3%.

    This is borne out in practice according to research on Charity campaigns.  As part of a wider media mix, data from 11 charity radio campaigns measured on Radiogauge reveals that radio advertising increases ad awareness of Charity campaigns by 79% and relevance by 27% on average.

  4. Audio is a highly emotional means of communication

    Music is inherently emotional, and radio stations often talk on-air about topics in a way that triggers an emotional response; research highlights the positive emotional influence that radio exerts over listeners – people feel twice as happy when listening to radio – making them more receptive to advertising. The emotional power of audio has often been used by Charity advertisers to engage audiences in their cause – with Charity advertising often winning creative awards. Click ‘Charity’ in our Inspirational Radio Ads finder.

  5. Radio is a highly trusted medium

    People trust what they hear on the radio – and that extends to the advertising they hear. When you’re asking people to donate money, you need to gain their trust that it will be used in the right way. Research highlights how radio can help engender trust for brands.

  6. A wide range of charity advertisers use radio to drive engagement and donations

    Search ‘Charity’ under sector inour case study finder for the most relevant examples of how radio can boost your communications plan. Recommended reading:


    Charity Frank used radio to get inside the world of teenagers.


    West Midlands Casualty Reduction Scheme used radio to challenge drivers using mobile phones.