Young ARIAS: New awards launched to celebrate radio and audio created by under 18s

Radiocentre and The Radio Academy have launched the Young ARIAS – a new annual awards scheme which will celebrate radio and audio created by under 18s at school radio stations, local projects and as individuals.
With some of UK radio’s biggest stars on board as ambassadors including KISS FM’s Breakfast team Rickie, Melvin and Charlie and BBC Radio 1’s Matt Edmondson and Mollie King, the Young ARIAS will aim to widen the talent pool for British radio and provide an opportunity for young people to access the industry.
The awards will be open to school radio stations, podcasts, homemade audio projects, community and hospital radio contributors and DJs, and will provide young audio talent with a chance to gain exposure and a better understanding of the radio industry. The winners and the institutions that support them will also be offered mentoring, tours of studios, work shadowing and advice about breaking into the industry.
The Young ARIAS will showcase and nurture talent from all backgrounds and will be promoted nationally.
To stay up to date with news and info from the Young ARIAS, follow @theyoungarias
Radiocentre CEO Siobhan Kenny said:
“The Young ARIAS will shine a spotlight on the unique, creative young talent we have in this country. Young people have a huge amount of enthusiasm for radio, and the awards will give many of them a chance at breaking into the industry that they may not have had otherwise. The awards will also play a part in widening the talent pool for a more diverse workforce.”
KISS FM’s Rickie, Melvin and Charlie said:
“Being a radio presenter is literally one of the best jobs in the world, which is why we’re so excited to be ambassadors for the Young ARIAS. The awards might be the first step to landing a dream job in radio and we can’t wait to hear from all the amazing talent across the UK. No one better be too good though… we don’t want anyone stealing our jobs!”
BBC Radio 1’s Matt Edmondson:
“Whenever I have the privilege of meeting young people involved in radio I always come away with a renewed excitement about my job. Their passion for it is infectious, and reminds me how lucky I am to work at Radio 1. Mollie and I are really looking forward to getting involved in the Young ARIAS and meeting the next generation of radio superstars!”
BBC Radio 1’s Mollie King:
“Matt & I are so honoured to be ambassadors for the 2019 Young ARIAS; I can’t wait to meet all the new radio talent around the UK. Working on Radio 1 is a dream come true for me, it’s such a privilege to be involved in making other people’s dreams come true too.”
Radio Academy CEO Roger Cutsforth said:
“Building on our huge success staging radio’s largest and most prestigious awards, the ARIAS, it’s great that we now have a version for younger audio talent across the country. The Radio Academy, with its connections across the sector promotes, celebrates and connects great British radio and audio talent and the Young ARIAS is a wonderful opportunity for young people and the industry to connect on a meaningful level.”
The awards were launched in Radio Audio Week by Radiocentre CEO Siobhan Kenny, Radio Academy CEO Roger Cutsforth, the Young ARIAS ambassadors and radio’s biggest names in a star studded launch video [watch below].
Nominations for the Young ARIAS 2019 will open in October, and the first awards ceremony will take place in May 2019 during Radio Audio Week.